Monday, April 9, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

Sorry I've been bad about keeping up with my blog.  It's been a crazy few weeks in so many ways.  This is the first time in 10 years I haven't worked about 80 hours during Holy Week.

I've been making the most of it.  Gardening, shopping, cooking (both good and naughty foods), decorating the house, cleaning, general running around - it was GLORIOUS!!!

This is what normal people do?  How cool.  It's beginning to sink in that I'm a normal people and that I've finally transitioned into humanity.  Hooray!!!  How appropriate that I've come to this conclusion the week we celebrate Easter?  I am indeed the same woman, but with a completely new life, and I am blissfully happy about that.

Now, for the good news.  I have finally made my second 5 pound goal.  18 more of them to go!  I CAN and will do this.  But I think I'm going to have to wait until after this week to see some decent numbers on the scale - I'm enjoying peoplehood A LOT! 

I figure it's a fair trade - after all, this ditching the fat suit isn't about doing it as fast as possible.  It's about changing lifestyles, being conscious of what goes in my mouth and how much I'm moving.  I'll be moving plenty this week, so I'm planning to enjoy life - even if I'm a bit sore from working the garden.

I truly feel as if spring is here - in here *points to heart* and here *turns in a circle arms outstretched in joy and abandon*!

Peace my friends, peace.

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