Monday, March 12, 2012

Busy is good... and sometimes it isn't.

Sooo... once again, it was technically (Fri. scale said one thing, re-do on Sat said another -lots lower) a no-loss week last week. 

Am I surprised? no.  Disappointed? not really - and here's why.

I'm learning to try new things, food-wise at least.  So that's a positive change.

I'm eating healthier in general.  That's a positive change.

I have a better attitude about getting/keeping active.  That's a positive change.

The negative comes from the fact that being busy makes it harder to actually live these wonderful, positive changes.  The dreaded school play has stolen my workout partner (who happens to be a delightfully insane 12 year old mini-me).  The other thing that this evilness called a school play has stolen from me for the past 3 weeks is the ability to do my weekly cooking for the family.  Having meals already in the fridge all week had been the modus operandi of the family for the past 2 months.  (Geez, has it been that long already?)

You would think I would eat healthier and exercise more when left to my own devices (and NO, my perv friends - you know who you are - not THOSE devices).  But it simply is not easier to eat healthier when I'm alone.  I found that I would either not eat (bad for me) or eat whatever I could find in the freezer (really bad for me) or worst of all, just graze all night long.  Soooooo....

The black hole of doom known as the Middle School School Play is over!!! My workout parter is back and I spent all day Saturday AND Sunday cooking some amazing recipes for the week.  Watch out fat suit - you've been served!

Running around like a Chicken with my head chopped off - not a good idea...

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