Friday, February 17, 2012

5 weeks in...a family affair

Even after PMSing and downing about 3 servings of GS thin mint cookies the other night (I was good the rest of the day), the scale was kind.

Down 2 lbs!   Thank you! Thank you!!  *bows, waving her new Michael Jackson glove*

Another surprise, my darling daughter, who is overweight too (big surprise there, right?) also lost a pound this week, and probably one last week.  So, since her last weigh in two weeks ago, she's down 2lbs as well!  It was a good morning in our house, let me tell you! (Why am I hearing this in Rick Moranis' voice from Ghost Busters?)

Her goal is to be able to comfortably wear a bikini when she gets into high school.  Since she's in 7th grade, that is a goal that is absolutely acheivable.  The bigger victory is that she's learning to be aware of what and when she eats.  While seeing the scale show progress, I think this other type of progress is even more rewarding! 

Here's an example that made me puff my feathers: I asked her the other day, "how much is a serving?" as she was sitting down with one of her after-school snacks.  She immediately rattled off, "don't worry, I already checked, a serving is 4 but since I'm not super hungry I'm only going to have 3 and since 4 is 130 calories I'm doing good I'll still be able to have something else later if I want." Now, on the flip side of that, there are times when one of us will just say, "I really want this."  but then are careful about the rest of our choices for the week.

And truly, I'm not afraid of her becoming anorexic.  She's like her mother.  The desire to be at a healthier weight is there, but the desire for good tasting food is also strong.  I'm just so pleased she's learning awareness.  It will make it easier for both of us if, when she's a teen if any eating disorders ever do rear their heads, since talking about health and food is common ground and she knows we're all about helping each other be healthy.

I think for me, this morning was a really big shot in the arm.  2lbs down, 3 to go till I reach my next goal.  I also suddenly realized that I'm not thinking the way I used to..."by August, I want to be 30 lbs lighter".  I do want to be 30 lbs lighter, but I'm not looking at it that way.  I know that as I continue to eat healthier and move more, the weight will come off.  When it does isn't as big a deal as the fact that what I'm doing is better for my body.  and my daughter.  The weigh-ins are really just to measure progress and make sure we're keeping on track. Every 5 lbs for me is a step toward better health - and a new wardrobe, minus the fat suit!

With that, another $10 in the clothing fund!  I'm thinking I might have to get the daughter started on a clothing fund too, to save for that bikini.  (Just don't tell her dad! ;-) )

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