Thursday, February 2, 2012

Almost Week 3

Tomorrow will be weigh-in #3.  To be honest, when I started on this journey, I didn't think I'd make it even this long.

I've tried losing weight before, but never with the idea of ditching the fat suit.  In my previous attempts it was always with the idea of losing some weight for an event, or so I could fit into a dress I liked or some other nonsense.  While for many people those ideals can be good motivators, they don't work for me.  You think I would have learned after 20 years.

This time, while I may not be doing it perfectly, I am doing it right. for me.  Nobody else can take this journey for me.  I have to keep myself on track, and remember the true motivation - to let the real me out of this damn fat suit.

I still wish I could zip it off and be done with it.  But... I know deep within that this journey is life-changing.  It's the journey, not the destination, as they say.

Some things I've learned on the journey so far:

1. NEVER, EVER eat carbs in the morning.  I used to be able to and not have a problem, but I am no longer that 20-something who can survive on Dr. Pepper and giant oreos.

2. Water is not intrinsically evil. (THAT was a surprise to me)

3. Dancing with my daughter not only burns calories but helps us grow closer together.

4. Pride is BS.  I'm the only one who gives a crap about what I look like - and anyone who looks at me sideways for doing something silly can bite me!

5. Friends are essential.  I've always been a "watcher" or "loner", never quite fitting in with any particular crowd.  I love being alone - I'm not lonely, really.   But what I learned is that others can help motivate me, keep me going as it were. 

6. Responsibility is a wonderful motivator.  I have friends who are trying to walk this journey with me, some on the internet, some in real life, and I feel as if I were to fail, I will be failing in my responsibility to them.  (We all hold each others hands on this and if I break the link, they don't get what they need)

And tomorrow whether the scale tells me I lost anything or not - I'm still happy.  I've learned so much, and I feel so much better.  And no matter how long it takes me and how many lessons I need to learn yet, this @%%^$ fat suit is coming off! period.

And yes, My friend, even shamans have to work through their own personal issues.  To be human is a delight and a challenge for all of us - if anything this journey has taught me just how level the playing ground really is. 

The reality of who we are is only hidden by the image of who we think we should be.

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