Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ok, problem remedied

Yesterday's problem of no munchies has been remedied.  I stopped on the way home and picked up a veggie tray, bagged salad, cauliflour, and cheezits bags - 90 cal per bag.  Sometimes you just gotta have something a little bready.  It was absolute torture on the way home - I really wanted to just grab something and chew my way to the house.  But I didn't.  I waited.  When I got home, I put the groceries away, grabbed some carrots and a little (I mean little) dip and went to town.  My goal is to eliminate the dip within a week or two.  But for now, I'm happy I didn't go for the candy or chips.

One thing I've learned about myself is that if I feel I'm denying myself of something I want, I will eat everything in sight to make up for it.  I'm working on that - a friend reminded me, that every time I want something bad for me, I have to think to myself, which do I want more, the yummy or to ditch the fat suit.  That helps.  A bit.

Another thing I am forcing myself to do, which I hate above all things (well, next to sweating and the activities that produce sweat) is breakfast.  I have never been a breakfast person, unless it's on the weekend and accompanied by large quantities of bacon. 

So, this morning we are delving into a lovely container of non fat black cherry greek yogurt.  I wish I could say I'm enjoying it, but I'm not.  Every spoonful is like a penance for the bad things I've done.  But, as much as it disgusts me, the fat suit disgusts me more... so on and on I spoon this weird goo into my body.  It looks like silly putty.  People actually LIKE this stuff???  No wonder why greeks are so emotional!

At any rate, I can look forward to a tastier lunch.  Tomato soup.  At least that is something I like.  So, I guess in order to ditch the fat suit, I'll take the good with the bad.

On to exercise.  My friend, the trainer, also has been feeding me these exercises to do.  Mostly arms, since I'm still dealing with that dang ankle.  I just hope to God that none of my co-workers walks in on me when I'm doing my thrice daily arm circles or bat waves.  They'll sick the white coats on me for sure.  It's not too bad if you don't take into account the weirdness factor.  The human body is a bizarre thing, and the more I'm focusing on this body of mine, the weirder it seems.  Bat waves are actually fun... I can count how many times my under-the-arm wobbles move each time I lift and lower my arms.  (Ok I admit I'm easily amused). 

I'm more than a little fearful of what's coming down the pike for my next exercises, but hey, this is an adventure, right?

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