Friday, January 27, 2012

Week two...down. Week 3 begins

Well, at least next week is another week!

After a crazy week of work and cleaning in preparation for my Uncle's visit, I'm pooped.  And for some weird reason, my cheeks are pink - I look like I got into some red wine, but I didn't.

Dinner wasn't as good as I hoped.  The dang chicken and root veggies took a LOT longer to cook than they should have, so we ate late; and the veggies were still a little on the firm side.  Pooh!  I'm the type to obsess about such things, wonder what they said in the car on the way back, fear they'll never come again type.  What I need to do is get over myself.  We had a great time talking and laughing and eating.  So what if dinner sucked.  Beeee the honeybadger...

So enough stalling... I only lost 1/2 lb.  But I didn't gain, and I expected a smaller number.  A whole number would have been nicer, but hopefully this is the kick in the ass to remind me not to mess around.

Time is not my friend here - I cannot procrastinate on this.  This challenge and journey I'm on is one of those things that if I put off the exercise or water-drinking for another day, I lose out and don't get that day back.  THAT is going to be the hard part.  I am a WORLD -Class procrastinator.  Especially on tasks that either a. don't have my passion, or b. might be a little on the challenging side.

Yup, I'm a wuss.  chicken. namby-pamby.  I hate challenges.  And yes, I fight chronic laziness.  I'm sure there are shrinks out there who will find a reason for this behavior and will tell me that once I can name it, I can feel better about it.  But see, for me, I'd use that knowlege to find excuses.  So, I will be motivated by my friends and family who want to see me succeed at this and are depending on me for inspiration and encouragement. Pooh on fear!

Oh, and I've decided that as a family we will eat dinner earlier - every little bit helps.  Now back to crunching on my raw cauliflower and broccoli.

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