Thursday, January 26, 2012


Ok, it's been a crazy, rough, but good week.  I won't even get into the craziness at work right now, but that's another post.

Yikes, date with the scale tomorrow morning.  I really haven't been as good this week as I had hoped.  Sorely lacking on the veggies.  It will be interesting to see just how big a difference that makes.

On the up-side, I've been an angel about eating breakfast.  I've been keeping to within 200 cal give and take of my target intake.  Have NOT been good about intentional exercise, however, a good cleaning of the house, and generally moving around more, shopping walking farther, etc... hopefully will work in my favor.  I've been using sugar free gum in the afternoon to combat those damned 3:00 munchies - Orange creme pop flavored... I'm going to have to go for something different next week, it's beginning to get old.

I have no great expectations tomorrow - I'm beginning to feel the "habitual" awareness of my intake already.  I always think twice about what I'm putting in my mouth now, I am aware of how much or how little I am moving around.  And I don't expect more than a pound, or less.  But I'm doing what I said I was going to - just not eating my veggies as much this week.

Next week will be better.  I promise.

Oh, and I got the coolest compliment from a co-worker - "have you lost anymore weight?" your face looks different, in a good way."

Gotta love working at the museum... more on that later.

Oh, Geez, gotta get home and get dinner ready... my favorite uncle is coming to visit.  I only get to see him once every 4 or 5 years - I'm so psyched!  More on that later too!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Way to go April - keep it up! I had a setback this week too, but slow and steady wins the race.